
- You see an old lady on the side of the road. It looks like she needs help crossing the street.

- You see a homeless man up against a wall on the side walk. He’s asking for spare change.

- A man pulls a knife on you and tells you to give him all your money.

- Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend has asked you to meet them. When you do, your significant other wants to break it off.

- Layoffs have been occurring in your workplace and your employer says it’s your turn to to be “let go”.

- Two middle school children are having a fight. No one is around to stop it.

- You’re at the bank trying to cash a paycheck. Suddenly two men in ski masks try to rob the bank.

- You’re out in the country on a dirt road, there’s no one else for miles. On the side of the road, a man lays bleeding and dying.

- It’s night and a teenager is spray painting the side of a building.

- There’s a building on fire and the firefighters are having a tough time putting it out.


Punch: Give ‘em a knuckle sandwich. Wether you’re punching an antagonizer or an innocent person, you’re going to introduce them to your fist.

Kick: The foot version of punch. For some reason, a round house kick is more appropriate than just slugging them.

Help: It’s time to lend a helping hand. Help a helpless person or help a jerk do what they do best.

Urinate: It’s crass but it’s a perfectly human function. Who knows, maybe urinating on the situation will provide the effect you desired.

Shout: You’re not very happy with the situation, in fact you’re downright livid. You really just need to express yourself by yelling.

Cower: You yield! You yield! Sometimes it’s just better to give up than to fight. It’s just not worth it.

Money Grub: You money grubber you! You’re looking to make a quick buck here, so if they give you some cash, maybe you’ll lend them a hand...

Run: You’re outta there! You don’t want to wait around and see what happens.

Conversation: You’ve got a silver-tongue, so why not try and talk your way through the situation? Hopefully the situation turns out for the better.

Vomit: You're not feeling too-BBBBLLLLLAAAAARRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!